Parting Stone
Robison-Bahnmiller Funeral Home has partnered with Parting Stone–a Santa Fe, New Mexico-based company that offers a clean alternative to cremated remains following cremation. Families choosing cremation can now receive stone-like solidified remains that can be touched, held, and shared.
“This new alternative has been well received by families, especially those that don’t have a final resting place in mind before a loved one passes. Solidified remains offer a new choice. People find comfort in having part of their loved one’s ashes, and the stones make dividing them between groups of people easier and more natural. The stones are easier to handle than traditional cremated remains too, which can be unpredictable and messy when scattering. They can also be placed in a garden, a forest, ceremoniously cast into a body of water, or left at a favorite spot. We have always strived to find practical and meaningful ways to memorialize someone while also meeting the needs of the families we serve.” -Steve Robison
“It is a profound opportunity to live with the remains of our loved ones, but conventional cremated remains make that experience uncomfortable,” says Parting Stone founder and CEO Justin Crowe. “We developed an alternative to conventional cremated remains to help families feel a meaningful connection with their departed. When you choose cremation, you no longer have to take home ashes.”
Call or email us for additional information about this service. 734-429-9760 or [email protected]
At-need Arrangements
At the time of your arrangement, you may choose to have your loved one returned either as cremated remains or solidified remains.
Pre-need Arrangements
If you would like to update your pre-need plan to include solidified remains, please contact us by email or phone and we will update your arrangements.
Solidification of remains at-home
If you currently have the cremated remains of your loved one at home and want to have them solidified, you may place your order here or call us at 734-429-9760.

More about Parting Stone
Want to know more about the process and how it's done? Visit the Parting Stone website to learn all there is about this unique process.